Termin Informationen:
So12Mai201914:30Flughafen Schönefeld
Demo: Abschiebehaft abschaffen!
Für eine (Un)Geordnete Rückkehr zur Menschenwürde und Solidarität! Pünktlich zum 100. Geburtstag der Abschiebehaft in Deutschland soll diese mit dem "Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetz" massiv ausgebaut werden. Auch am Flughafen Schönefeld ein soll ein Abschiebegewahrsam eröffnet werden. Da gibt's nichts zu feiern! Kommt also zur Demo zum bundesweiten Aktionstag gegen Abschiebehaft und zeigt: Migration ist kein Verbrechen - Solidarität ist unsre Waffe!
Termin Informationen:
Fr03Mai201919:00KØPI (Köpenicker Straße 137)
Infotalk about repression against anarchists in Russia
Documentary on “ The Network” about the criminal case against anarchists in Russia. with Vokü
Since 2017 persecutions against anarchists in Russia have intensified. Over the last two years Russian security services have initiated eight criminal cases within Russia and the occupied Crimea and filed charges against over 20 anarchists. And these are just the publicly known cases. Most people in these cases were first abducted by FSB agents who tortured them by electrocution and beat them up, sometimes for several days, and then brought them to court after getting the testimonies they needed. Most charges are of participating in or organizing terrorist activities, preparing terrorist attacks and/or justifying terrorism. Around 10 people have had to leave the country and ask for asylum in Europe (including Germany).